505 310 2765

I can work with you in person, via phone, ZOOM or Skype. Decide whats best for you.

You can email me at

or Skype me at rose.gordon123

I look foward to meeting and speaking with you!

Working Together

“We shape our self
to fit this world

and by the world
are shaped again.

The visible
and the invisible

working together
in common cause,

to produce
the miraculous.”

David Whyte



Workshop Topics

 MOST workshops involve Circle process, experiental exercises, poetry, discussion and opportunities to dwell in shared silence.

Images as Guides to a Deeper Relationship with Life, Death and Dying. Three 2 hour sessions for $120. 

Descent and Return: Based on the Sumerian myth of Inanna and Ereshkighal, we explore the human journey into the great below and discover what allows us to rise again, with vitality. 

Creating Sanctuary: A special opportunity for those dying and their caregivers to uncover and define their resiliencies and resources and the elements that create a space of inner peace and resourcefulness. 

Earth Above, Sky Below: A retreat for professional caregivers that offers a safe and unique space to  reconnect with the healing impulses that led them to become caregivers, and define the elements that sustain them in their work. 




    Note: I am available to consult with people considering the M.A.i.D. option legally available to residents of many states in the U.S. including California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. We can review your states requirements, discuss your concerns and intentions for the decision, design a family meeting via Skype or ZOOM, create ceremony or ritual to accompany you or design any other processes or conversations that might be helpful in making this decision and putting it into action. In all instances, I will abide by your state's legislative statutes and requirements and NOT have input into whether, or when, you choose MAiD as your option. I will provide emotional support that honors this deeply personal decision.    



  What Workshop and Retreat participants say:

 I participated in 2 retreat workshops with Rose. One was called "Compassion and Equanimity". Never before have I felt acutely aware of how much depth there is to these two virtues than when I worked with Rose. She showed me ways in which I could be serene and yet be of help to others and not exhaust or drain myself in the attempt...To keep myself strong and straight. To know ways to be with someone who is dying, or with the families of those who have left us or are about to leave us, is amazing. Now I know it need not be a terrifying experience. Rose has taken the meaning of the word "Empathy" to a different level for me. 

I am grateful to her for shining a light and awakening in us the thirst to know more and more.                                   

 Z. D. Dubai,Educator


 I chose to do the Meeting the Mystery course. After losing my dear father and mother within nine months of each other I felt anxious and so the course was difficult for me at times. But I came away thinking much more about my life. And occasionally I felt a deep sense of peace and more understanding of my suffering. Then something changed in me, I know it was a result of the course. Six months later I took on two challenging efforts involving things I never, ever imagined doing. 

 I succeeded and felt the support of my mom in a special and private way.

 Rose D, Ireland, Educator

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I so appreciated the healing I received from Rose and her wisdom. It was a much needed step in my healing journey. Rose provided me with a meditation experience which finally allowed me to come into a deep peace having been in perturbation and pain for 18 months, following my experience of witnessing  terrorist activities and much death in Saudi Arabia.

I am profoundly grateful for our meeting and for what happened for me in just one meeting.   

Andrea A., Dubai, counselor